A Meal Planning Concept

Quick Tips: Creating a Meal Plan

Name Meal Plan

Click on the link, Create a Meal Plan.

Pick a name for the new Meal Plan. Our advice is something descriptive (unlike, Plan 1). Select the Create button.

Your meal plan has been created. Now you need to add Recipes!

Add Recipes

Select Recipes in the main navigation at top of the page.

Choose the Recipe Category to narrow your selection and select a Recipe to review. If you like this Recipe, you can add it to your Meal Plan. First make sure it is the Active Meal Plan!

Make a Meal

To make a Meal Plan Active, simply use the drop down box on the right side of the page to chose the name of a  Meal Plan you have stored.

Now, select Add to Active Meal Plan.

You may repeat this as many times as you like, choosing a different Recipe or Recipe Category to include in your Meal Plan.

And there you have it!

It may seem complicated at first try but Chef Jake will help if you need it. Just send us a note.